Climaveneta CCD Legacy
Chilled Water Cooling Door Unit From 26.6 to 39.1 kW
The CCD unit is the most innovative and efficient system for managing Hot spots inside data centers, in other words, HIGH DENSITY racks up to and over 40 kW/m2 per rack. The Cooling door unit is housed at the rear of the rack and is managed by a DYNAMIC system, especially designed to handle the rack exhaust air, which SELF-ADAPTS to rack requirements. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS – New generation EC fans – 42U / 48U racks adaptability – Can be supplied with rack – Dynamic control of Air stratification – Configuration R (N+1) and T – Integration into DUAL CIRCUIT, FREE COOLING + BACKUP system – Dehumidification Less Management WORKING MODE The CCD unit is to be considered both as a stand alone cooling unit for the exhaust air of the single rack in the small data center as a system for managing Hot spots in large data center for integration of hot and cold aisle or compartmentation structures. While the cooling of RACK is delegated to the perimeter conditioning units that provide cold air 18-20 ° C in the cold aisle, the cooling door CCD handles rack at higher thermal load (called HOT SPOTS) generally due to the use of modern blade servers.